Lisa Crow VA – providing assistance from a distance

The News That Changed My Life Forever

Post-its on a notice board encouraging the message to "Make Things Happen" Picture accompanies a Lisa Crow VA blog titled The News That Changed My Life Forever

When you’re told your job is at risk of redundancy, it’s never good news. I imagine most people would feel all sorts of emotions – fear, instability, uncertainty. I definitely experienced all of that – not to mention a lot of tears! However, opportunity strikes. Or so they say! Once the shock had worn off, I […]

What Is A Virtual Assistant?

virtual assistant working on a computer. photograph used on a blog post on

Working remotely, virtual assistants have become a popular way for businesses to manage their busy workloads. With so many plates to spin, it can be hard for business owners to keep on top of things. You may not know this but it takes roughly 23 minutes to get back into something after a distraction and […]

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