Lisa Crow VA – providing assistance from a distance

Post-its on a notice board encouraging the message to "Make Things Happen" Picture accompanies a Lisa Crow VA blog titled The News That Changed My Life Forever

When you’re told your job is at risk of redundancy, it’s never good news. I imagine most people would feel all sorts of emotions – fear, instability, uncertainty. I definitely experienced all of that – not to mention a lot of tears!

However, opportunity strikes. Or so they say!

Once the shock had worn off, I was able to think about what I really wanted from life. I didn’t want the job I had – that had actually been clear for quite a while, even before I knew it was at risk. The question was, what did I want to do?

An idea had been working on me for quite a while. I didn’t want to carry on being an employee.

I didn’t feel fulfilled any more, and that wasn’t likely to change.

Another factor to consider

Isla Crow. Lisa Crow, the daughter of Lisa Crow, founder of Lisa Crow VA.
My daughter Isla

I couldn’t afford to allow my future to be dictated to me any more. 

Another factor to consider was a little girl called Isla. She is my three-year-old daughter and is my whole world. Working for my employer meant that once a week I was obliged to drive up to Dundee to be in the office there.

Once a week isn’t a big ask – in theory. However, because the nursery wasn’t yet open by the time we’d be leaving on a Tuesday morning, my parents had to take Isla to nursery on a Tuesday morning. And have her overnight on a Monday.

And give her some dinner on a Tuesday night. I hated being away from her for all that time so she was reason enough to want to do something new.

Although I have plenty of hard work ahead of me, being a virtual assistant allows me to be there more for Isla.

I’ll have the freedom to be able to do all the school runs and spend more time with her while she’s young – it’s time I’ll never get back so I don’t want to miss anything!

I had always toyed with the idea of starting my own arts and crafts business, but it remained a dream without any concrete plans. With the news of redundancy looming over me – for the fourth time – I realised it was time to become my own boss – literally! 

The future is full of opportunity now

I first came across the concept of virtual assistance around a year ago and a seed was planted. When YouTube led me into the path of virtual assistant mentor, Catherine Gladwyn, I took it as a sign. This was meant to be.

Starting a business from scratch is never easy, but it’s also an exhilarating experience filled with possibilities. I immersed myself in researching the world of virtual assistance, acquiring knowledge about the skills and tools needed to succeed.

I joined online communities, attended webinars, and soaked up every piece of information I could find. Armed with my newfound knowledge, I created a solid foundation for my virtual assistant business.

I have found myself more motivated and inspired than I have been in quite some time. You might say I have a new lease of life.

The future is full of opportunity now and I’ve fallen down several rabbit holes. Warning: if you’re yet to discover Canva, be prepared to lose many hours to that website. From designing my own logo to business cards and social-media posts, the site is so valuable to a small business owner (get me!) – but it’s so much fun and incredibly addictive, too . . .

Life has a way of nudging us out of our comfort zones

One of the most rewarding aspects of being a virtual assistant is the opportunity to empower other business owners to streamline their own companies while working on the skills I’m best at and most passionate about.

By taking care of their administrative tasks and organisational challenges, I allow my clients to focus on what they do best – building their business.

Life has a way of nudging us out of our comfort zones, often when we least expect it. The news of my potential redundancy was the catalyst that led me to embrace change and take a leap of faith.

Through perseverance and a sense of purpose, I transformed my initial setback into an opportunity to build a business that aligns with my passions and aspirations.

If there’s one lesson I’ve learned, it’s that embracing change can open doors to a future you never thought possible.

For more blog posts, visit my blog page.

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